城市寄生家具计划 / B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所 – 有方

发布时间:2025-02-09 20:13

城市寄生家具计划 / B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所

城市寄生家具计划 / B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所

编辑:楼樱 | 校对:楼樱 | 2023.03.27 15:11

城市寄生家具计划  ©亚洛文化 潮声

设计单位  B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所

项目地点  广东深圳

建成时间  2022年11月





Diverse spaces and versatile components make up the experience of daily life in a freely growing city. People can make use of the opportunities offered in contemporary society without constraint. They can unleash their imagination on these “protrusions” into the urban fabric. It allows new and unique possibilities to happen. Creative people can use these “protrusions” to make spaces that are no longer dedicated to a single purpose, but multifunctional spaces with temporary activities instead. In that moment, the sense, of life and home, is created.

“生长”出生活的城市空间  ©青山周平城市家具  ©青山周平人们在网边创造出的生活(左),随手挂(右)  ©青山周平



Most modern cities have gradually lost their local texture and “protrusions.” We have lost our ability to shape cities, and our lives have become regimented under efficient operating rules. The interaction between people and cities is no longer as diverse as it used to be. With the decrease of individual activities, the transient sense of home has also disappeared.

平滑城市  ©谢舒婕



A symbiotic relationship is defined as such: when two creatures live together closely, one is gaining energy from the other, or they are benefiting mutually. To meet people’s diverse requirements, we bring individual life and urban space together through designing new urban furniture. We call this multi-functional facility “Symbiotic Urban Furniture.” Through this furniture series, we hope to bring back a sense of home to urban public space.


The furniture relies on the urban spaces, and the urban spaces become lively because of the furniture.

家具“寄生”在城市构件上  ©B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所“城市寄生家具”们  ©B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所


北京UCCA Lab的“生活之内——Jya艺术项目”曾展出过第一批《城市寄生家具计划》,而在第九届深港城市建筑双城双年展中展出的是第二批《城市寄生家具计划》。第一批家具采用了钢板和黑胡桃为主要材料,在展厅内主要展现了五种城市场景中家具的寄生形态。

The first version of “Symbiotic Urban Furniture Project” was exhibited at UCCA Lab in Beijing. The second version is showed at the 9th Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture in Shenzhen. The main materials of the first version in Beijing are steel and walnut. Five different urban scenes were installed in the exhibition to show the symbiotic relationship between the furniture and the city.

于UCCA Lab展出的《城市寄生家具计划》  ©Ruijing Photo


“Symbiotic Urban Furniture Project” is in the section “More-than-Human Adventure” and the special section “Shelter for Urban Animals.” In “More-than-Human Adventure,” the furniture is on the outdoor stairs, offering space for people to enjoy the sunshine and meet new friends. 

家具排列在场地中  ©B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所台阶上的家具  ©亚洛文化 潮声俯瞰家具  ©亚洛文化 潮声


On the large stairs, a large table and a long table are for gathering. The long benches also offer space for people to sit together. If anyone wants to be alone, the individual chair and the small bench are the best choices. When a handrail which people always pass by meets a small table hanged on it, the handrail becomes an attractive space for people to stop, stay, and have a cup of coffee. When the large rough column is embraced by a chair and a table board, it becomes popular.

挂在墙上的置物架  ©亚洛文化 潮声按展示顺序排列:竹集成材自然的质感,“寄生”在台阶上的长桌和板凳,挂在栏杆上的小桌板(左),“寄生”在台阶上的圆茶几  ©亚洛文化 潮声可以一个人看书发呆的小椅子(左),可以一个人看书发呆的小凳子(右)  ©亚洛文化 潮声


In the special section “Shelter for Urban Animals,” a “shelter” for people and cats relies on an easily ignored corner near the equipment of fire hydrant. The corner becomes a comfortable space because of the furniture. The “shelter” embraces people and the lower space made of soft cloth is the comfortable home for cats. People and cats become “roommates” and good friends here.

城市空间中的“窝”  ©亚洛文化 潮声“寄生”在墙角的家具  ©亚洛文化 潮声


After the opening, people use the furniture in their own way. They have a cup of coffee and enjoy food here. Also, some people sit and turn on their laptops to work on the tables. Near them, someone is reading a book with music in the headphone. Occasionally, people who is painting can be found here. The large tables are great places for people to have a chat or unfold their maps to find the next destination. Also, here is a good choice to enjoy sunshine. Different people meet each other here. Some of them start their first dialogue. Some of them are still enjoying individual time while they are sitting in the crowd. It is such a surprise that a lot of people take group photos here to keep this happy moment.

独处和共享  ©谢舒婕

“寄生”家具激活了空间,空间“生长”出了生活  ©谢舒婕夜间依然受欢迎的空间  ©谢舒婕











摄影:亚洛文化 潮声、谢舒婕、青山周平、锐景摄影——广松美佐江/宋昱明(北京展览的摄影)
